While New Jersey has beautiful landscapes, bustling cities and a thriving infrastructure, some roads are more treacherous than others. Named as one of the most dangerous highways in NJ, Route 27 is just over 38 miles long and has a high accident rate. Different...
Month: January 2024
Month: January 2024
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4 potential options for challenging a DWI charge
DWI charges can have serious consequences, impacting your life in significant ways. In New Jersey, like in many states, individuals facing DWI charges often wonder if there are avenues to challenge the accusation. While each case is unique, there are common factors...
Signs of a CSF leak following a car accident
Car accidents can result in a variety of serious injuries, some of which may be less obvious, like a cerebrospinal fluid leak. Your CSF remains contained by a three-layer membrane known as your meninges. During the impact of an accident, the meninges can rupture and...